Is It Possible My Baby is Teething at 3 Months Old?
Article at a Glance:
- Teething development varies in every child.
- Babies CAN start teething at 3 months!
- Teething at 2 months, 4 months, or 5 months old is possible as well.
The age when a baby starts teething is variable and unique for every child, which is essential to understanding the teething process.
Some parents are shocked to find that their infants begin teething by 3 months. Other parents worry that there is something wrong with their 2nd or 3rd child because they started teething later than their 1st child.
Believe it or not, baby teething and the baby teething process is not common knowledge. Most parents tend to follow their own beliefs about the baby teething process, especially with the lack of evidence to support their assumptions [1].
Parental assumptions have led to the misdiagnoses of greater health concerns or underlying health conditions of infants; therefore it is critical to educate oneself about the baby teething process with the correct information.
Typically, the average age when babies begin teething is around 4-6 months. If your child is an early bloomer, no worries! This is not something to be alarmed about. It is definitely possible for a baby to start teething around 3 months.
Chances Your Infant is Teething at 3 Months Old
Signs of teething before 3 months tend to occur in about 1% of babies. Although uncommon, it is not abnormal. Early signs of teething include drooling, irritability and/or small bumps on gums where teeth would erupt.
The typical tooth eruption occurs for about 8 days, and symptoms of tooth eruption usually start about 4 days before [2]. The baby teeth order and schedule of teeth development will vary considerably for each child.
Typically, the first teeth to sprout are the bottom front teeth, known as the central incisors. After that, each set of teeth will usually come in fairly regularly every 4-8 weeks through the entire teething process. Baby teeth tend to erupt in pairs, however, it is normal for teeth to grow solo.
If your baby is receiving an adequate amount of nutrients and vitamin supplementation, then be content to know that your child is happy and developing as they should be.
Teething at 3 months is pretty uncommon, however, be active in monitoring early signs of teething or tooth eruption.
Why is my Baby Teething at 3 Months?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2003 [3], children tend to show to highest growth development within the first 6 months of their life.
Infancy development is the most profound stage of growth in the adolescent years. Their growth and development become vulnerable under circumstances of malnutrition.
In teething development, baby teeth actually begin to develop in the uterine stages of life. Studies have shown that typical human tooth development occurs in the sixth week of embryonic development [4].
Tooth enamel, which is the protective outer shell of the tooth, finishes developing around the first month of an infant’s life. Once the development of the crown has completed, a child’s tooth will erupt.
A motherʻs health and nutrition can influence this tooth development process, although it does not determine the timing of tooth eruption. A child of a healthy mother can show signs of tooth eruption at 2 months or 5 months; teething is always variable.
Studies have also shown that females tend to complete crown development and show tooth eruption before males. Although teeth may not be immediately present, they are slowly developing in hiding until they are ready to see the world.
What is the Average Age of Babies Who Start Teething?
Baby teething should be considered on an individual basis because this is a unique experience for every child. Although teething order and eruption have been established based on average teething data, a baby teething at 2 months is part of normal development.
Unless a child is exhibiting symptoms of unusual behavior or illness, know that your child is developing as they should be. As mentioned, some children are born with teeth or begin to develop teeth within their first month. Teething at 4 or 5 months is the most common age to begin teething.
Acknowledge that a toddlerʻs teething age is affected by genetic traits, nutrition, or stimulation from early chewing. Teething at 2 months old is no different than 3, 4, or 5 months old.
If ever concerned or unsure about your childʻs oral health, it is advised to reach out to a pediatric dentist or doctor that can reassure this normal process.
Will Teething Symptoms be Similar for a Baby Teething Earlier or Later?
Generally, teething signs and symptoms are similar for 5-month-old teething compared to 3-month-old teething. If you are lucky, some parents will not experience any symptoms of teething and teeth will magically appear.
Can a Baby Show Symptoms Without Tooth Eruption?
It is possible that a child will exhibit symptoms of teething and yet, teeth do not appear within the 4-8 day period. At an early age, children can stimulate their gums by chewing on objects. However, If an object theyʻre chewing on isnʻt sanitized, this can expose them to bacteria and cause illness.
Always monitor your child to track any unusual attitudes or behaviors to rule out their symptoms from an actual illness.
Can Newborns Start Teething?
Very rarely, babies are born with teeth or develop them within 30 days of their life.
Baby teeth that are present at birth are known as natal teeth. Baby teeth that emerge within the first 30 days of life are known as neonatal teeth. This prevalence is typically low but has been reported in less than 10% of children.
The most common natal and neonatal teeth appear in the mandibular, or lower portion, of the jaw and the rarest appear as molars. Environmental factors, hereditary traits, and underlying syndromes could be causes for these early appearances in teething development.
Premature tooth development is commonly seen in children with underlying syndromes such as Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, Hallerman-Steriff syndrome, Pierre Robin syndrome, and Sotos syndrome.
A proper diagnosis from a medical professional is important in determining an underlying syndrome of your child.
Premature tooth development could also be hereditary, with children inheriting these traits from genes that are passed along in the family. Approximately 8-62% of children with natal or neonatal teeth had a familial history of premature teeth development [5].
Symptoms of a Baby Teething At 3 Months
There are a select few of lucky babies that do not experience any teething signs or symptoms while their teeth come in. The majority of babies, however, will experience discomfort that can last anywhere from a few days to several months.
It is essential to look for all types of symptoms, as each child experiences teething differently and show different signs and symptoms of teething.
Common teething symptoms for a 3 month old are similar to symptoms at any stage, which include drooling, swollen gums, chewing/biting everything, irritability, trouble sleeping, grabbing of their ears, and rubbing their face.
There are common assumptions that fever, vomiting, and diarrhea are normal symptoms of teething. It is incredibly uncommon for teething to cause any of these symptoms in a baby.
If your 3 month old is teething and exhibits these symptoms, it is best to seek advice from a medical professional, as it is more likely to be from infection or virus than from teething.
Can My Baby Start Eating Foods with Early Tooth Eruption?
Many parents assume that the appearance of a new tooth means that a child is ready to eat solid foods. This is especially incorrect if a baby starts teething at 3 months old.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends children to start eating solid foods around 6 months old. Since a child’s immune and digestive system are still developing before this time, the introduction of solid food can lead to chronic illness or obesity.
Most mother’s believed it was appropriate to feed their children at an earlier age because “they looked hungry,” “they were old enough,” or “it helped them sleep at night.”
It is our duty as parents to research information regarding the optimal feeding and introduction of foods for our children since it is their health and development that we would like to see flourish.
How Will I Know When to Introduce Solid Foods into my Baby’s Diet?
As our little ones grow, their physical cues will let us know when they are ready to move on from breastfeeding and onto bigger and more nutrient foods. One way to definitely tell if they are ready is their refusal to breastfeed.
The CDC also provides information on when to introduce babies to solid foods. A few of the baby cues include:
- Your child can sit up with little or no support
- Your child has good head control
- Your child opens their mouth and leans forward when food is offered
What Should My Baby Eat When Their Baby Teeth Come In?
Just as a mother’s nutrition during pregnancy affects the teeth of growing little ones, so will a child’s diet when they start eating solid foods.
In the first 6 months of a child’s life, breastmilk contains all essential nutrients needed for healthy, optimal development in children. Many mothers have their own personal reasons for not breastfeeding. These reasons include going back to work, lack of lactation, or personal choice.
Although the mother’s choice is always respected first and foremost, a mother’s milk is considered the most perfect formula in nature. It contains all of the necessary vitamins, minerals, and enzymes to assist in a baby’s developing digestive system.
Many companies have tried to model this perfect formula; however, most formulas lack the essential enzymes or contain additives that are non-existent in mother’s milk.
Once a baby reaches their 6th month, most parents introduce cereal, rice, oats or barley into a baby’s diet.
It is NOT recommended to introduce high nitrate foods into a baby’s diet at an early age. High nitrate foods include spinach, beets, carrots, and string beans. Foods with high nitrates can accumulate a baby’s digestive tract and could lead to methemoglobinemia, which is lack of oxygen being supplied to the bloodstream.
Moms Share Experiences With Their Teething 3 Month Old
Although uncommon, being an early teether at 3 months old is normal. Plenty of moms share their experiences on the web about their teething 3-month-old and their teething symptoms.
Similarly, it’s equally as normal for children to be late bloomers and not see teeth eruption until 12 months. Some mothers report that teething symptoms start at 3 months, but teeth don’t come in until the 4th or 5th month.
Many babies who start teething at 3 months old show symptoms such as gnawing on their fist, grabbing at their ears, and excessive drooling which can cause a ‘teething rash’ or better defined as a ‘drooling rash’. These rashes are easily avoidable by proactively wiping excess drool and will heal quickly with natural ointments.
A baby may be fussier at 3 months old versus 6-8 months because they can’t cope as well with the discomfort. However, the opposite may be true and an early teether may seem virtually unbothered by erupting teeth.
In any case, it’s a natural process and will be different for every baby.
Soothing Your Teething 3 Month Old
Kute Keiki strives to provide information on natural teething remedies for teething babies and does not recommend giving your child conventional forms of relief. It is important as parents and guardians to make informed decisions. There are many teething relief options available to soothe a teething baby.
It is agreed that a baby reaching teething age can be a stressful experience, especially when infants are showing early signs and symptoms of teething at 3 months. However, the safety and health of your child is a priority.
Some parents experience babies teething at 2 months old, with concerns for how to resolve teething symptoms and conventional options. Although over-the-counter options are quick forms of relief, it is necessary to rationalize the effects of such methods and how this can influence your childʻs development.
Conventional forms of relief include Tylenol, Ibuprofen, or other prescriptions with ingredients including benzocaine or lidocaine.
According to the FDA, benzocaine and lidocaine products have been shown to cause shortness of breath and even death. These active ingredients can inhibit the optimal transport of oxygen in the blood to different tissues in the body. This is also known as methemoglobinemia. The FDA no longer recommends products containing these active ingredients.
The FDA has also warned parents, guardians and medical practitioners to take caution in dosing children with products containing acetaminophen. This is the active ingredient in Tylenol and Ibuprofen.
In 2011, the FDA’s Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee and Pediatric Advisory Committee called for a label change from “pain-relief” to “fever-reducer,” since acetaminophen was shown to be more effective for fevers in adolescents. The concentration of acetaminophen was also changed due to a confusion and incorrect dosage for children under 2. Under high concentrations, acetaminophen can be harmful to the liver from overproduction of toxic metabolites in the body.
The most effective way to soothe a teething baby, especially in early teething development, are natural teething remedies. Studies have shown that cuddle therapy and gum rubbing are much more effective than analgesics. This also reduces the potential of any health risks from conventional methods.
How can I soothe my Teething 3 Month Old Safely?
To relieve teething pain and discomfort safely, use natural teething remedies such as a baby teething toy, silicone teething necklace, or Baltic Amber teething necklace. Baltic Amber teething necklaces contain succinic acid, which has been a healing remedy for centuries.
These all-natural baby teething toys are a fun and safe way to get fast relief for a 3-month-old teething baby.
[1] Uti et al. Maternal Beliefs About Infant Teething.
[2] Lyttle et al. Tooth Eruption and Teething in Children.
[3] World Health Organization. Feeding and Nutrition of Infants and Young Children.
[4] McDonald et al. Eruption of the Teeth. Local, Systemic and Congenital Factors that Influence the Process.
[5] Rao and Methad. Natal Teeth: Case Report and Review of Literature.