Baby Teeth Order and Teething Chart

Article at a Glance:
- Every child’s teething experience is unique and different.
- Baby teeth eruption follows a fairly predictable teething order.
- It is normal if a teething baby doesn’t follow a predictable teething order.
- A baby teeth chart can help estimate tooth order and age of tooth eruption.
A baby’s first tooth eruption is an exciting milestone for a baby! Even as arduous as the teething experience may be.
As a baby grows their baby teeth, the basis of talking and eating is formed and developed. Different teeth serve different functions in biting, searing, chewing, and shaping the jaw.
Although every teething experience is different for every baby, tooth eruption tends to follow a fairly predictable pattern on average.
Most parents grow concerns for children that don’t follow typical baby teeth development, but rest assured this is completely normal. We must keep in mind that our babies are unique, special, and will develop on their own time!
Read more to learn about the predictable pattern of baby teeth order and use the baby teeth order chart to help guide your eruption predictions.
When Do Babies Start to Get Teeth?
Babies actually begin developing their teeth in utero, or in the uterus. After birth, those little pearly whites wait patiently under the gums for their crowns to develop, followed by primary tooth eruption.
Baby tooth eruption, however, is variable for every child. The average age of the first tooth eruption happens around 4-6 months of age. When babies start teething, you would know.
Baby tooth eruption, in most cases, is followed with teething symptoms such as biting and chewing objects, Â grabbing of the face or ears, or drooling. And must IÂ mention irritability and discomfort? For some lucky children, teething symptoms rarely occur.
Parents tend to stick with their own beliefs in teething, however, it is important to keep in mind that fever, diarrhea, and vomiting are not symptoms of teething. Sometimes, a teething rash is caused by excessive drooling.
There are early and late bloomers in the teething process; some babies are born with teeth! For early starters, baby teeth eruption can start as early as 3 months. For late bloomers, your toddler’s teeth might start coming in around 12 months.
Primary tooth development and tooth eruption are contingent upon the health and nutrients of mama, pre-birth. Genetics also play a role in baby tooth development — prime examples being natal or neonatal teeth.
Infant tooth development follows a fairly predictable tooth eruption order, as shown in the baby teeth chart below. Baby teeth tend to grow in pairs, but this is not true for all babies.
In most cases, babies will get a pair of teeth every 4-8 weeks during their first year. Your child will have a complete set of 20 primary teeth, or baby teeth, by the time they are 3 years old.
Soothing your baby’s teething symptoms is crucial to ease the discomfort they may feel during the growth of their baby teeth.
Baby Teeth Order Teething Chart
Using the easy-to-follow, baby tooth order chart provided below can help your understanding of how baby teeth will grow in.
Whether a new parent or a parent going through another teething ordeal, learning about the teething process will help you be better prepared to tackle any teething obstacles.
This baby teeth diagram can also be used as a guide to help assess the growth of baby’s teeth and determine if your baby is exhibiting teething signs and symptoms.
Remember, this is just a general teething schedule that most babies tend to follow. If your child doesn’t follow this particular order, no worries! This is how their baby teeth ought to grow.
Teething Schedule for Baby Teeth Order
The start of teething is variable, as well as the process. once a baby tooth is ready to erupt, the teeth period occurs within an 8-day window, with symptoms occuring 4 days before and 3 days after [1].
Expect your child to show teething symptoms until around age of 3.
Pay attention to the symptoms that are normal for your child. Keep track of individual teeth that erupt or those that grow in pairs. Every tooth has a purpose in the development of your growing keiki.
Types of Primary Teeth
Central Incisors
Two Front Teeth – 6-12 months
The central incisors grow in to help your little one bite and shear food. The smaller the pieces of food, the easier it is for them to swallow. It’s always exciting for parents to start moving from pureed foods to soft solids and onto harder solids.
Many parents opt for baby-led weaning, in which babies slowly learn to use their new teeth and explore new foods independently. Baby-led weaning builds autonomy and can lead to making healthier, more nutritious decisions in eating.
Lateral Incisor
Side of Front Teeth – 9-16 months
As the second pair of teeth to grow in, your baby is better able to bite and shear their food into pieces they can manage. The incisors are also important for development beyond an expanded diet.
Lateral incisors shape the face by providing a form for your lips to rest against their teeth. They also help with speech by letting us say words with the “th” sound.
First Molars
The Back Teeth – 13-19 months
First molars may come in before canines, or they may come in after. Molars develop so that your baby can crush and grind foods that are tough to chew, like hardy grains.
With molars, your baby will be able to break down solid foods, which will aid their digestion.
Upper Cuspids (Canines)
Sides of the Top Front Teeth – 16-22 months
Canines are the pointy, sharp teeth that humans use to tear into and bite dense foods, like chicken and steak. Canines also act as guides for your teeth to direct your mouth as you chew.
Lower Cuspids (Canines)
Sides of the Bottom Front Teeth – 17-23 months
Not only do canines help babies with tearing and eating new hard foods, but they also play a key role in the developing shape of your baby’s face and speech patterns.
Canines growing in help determine the face shape of your baby and help their jaw align correctly when they close their mouth.
Second Molars
The Way Back Teeth – 23-33 months
The second molars are typically the last, and they usually come in late. Just when you think teething is over and you and your baby have survived the worst of teething; they pop up!
Do not worry, as these second molars will provide more aid as your baby explores new foods like raw fruits and vegetables, grains, and nuts. The second molars also fill out their cheeks and support the face shape.
How Can I Help My Teething Baby?
When baby teeth start to rupture through the gums, this ordeal is quite uncomfortable for babies. Just imagine the pain from wisdom teeth growing in…not pleasant.
The best way to help your is to relieve any teething symptoms that occur. Natural alternative options are highly advised and are shown to be more effective [2]. Some of these natural remedying options include rubbing your little one’s gums with a clean finger or a clean washcloth.
You can also use natural teething remedies such as utilizing the benefits of Baltic Amber with an all-natural Baltic Amber teething necklace.
Kute Keiki’s silicone teething toys and teething necklaces are shaped so that they can reach every tooth for your baby or toddler’s chewing pleasure. Many mothers like to put their Kute Keiki teething toys in the fridge, as the chill provides extra teething relief.
Even though the primary teeth are not permanent, they must be taken care of just like adult teeth. Your child’s primary teeth are vital in helping them chew and develop proper language pronunciation.
Keeping the primary teeth healthy is important. As soon as they erupt from the gums, their baby teeth are susceptible to dental caries (or cavities) and tooth decay.
Can My Baby Get Cavities Once Their Teeth Come in?
Babies are susceptible to tooth decay as soon as their first teeth erupt. Tooth decay can inhibit the optimal growth of a child’s permanent teeth.
When a baby’s primary teeth contain some decay, this could cause gaps in permanent teeth or permanent teeth to grow in crooked. Gaps or crooked teeth leave your child at a higher risk of impaired jaw development and potential negative health effects later in life.
Epidemiological studies have shown that bottle feeding at night and over-breastfeeding can lead to higher risk of cavities [3].
Breastfeeding is by far the most nutritious food for a developing child, however, the risk of obtaining cavities is higher if breastfed after 12 months of age. Practicing oral hygiene is one baby-led activity that can help your teething baby with healthy oral development.
How Do I Prevent My Baby’s Teeth from Getting Cavities?
Once your child’s teeth come in, make sure to clean any residual milk or formula from the gums and teeth with a clean, moistened finger or towel.
Abstain from giving your baby foods that are not meant to be eaten during their baby teeth development and be cautious with sugary juices and snacks. The sugar from these goodies is a threat to a keiki’s oral health and development.
Practice good oral hygiene with regular brushing using a baby-approved toothbrush. These toothbrushes are not as rough on the gums of a baby. Once your child is able to brush their own teeth, practice brushing your teeth with them to instill the practice of good oral health.
Maintaining your baby’s oral health is crucial in influencing their oral health for the rest of their life. The mouth is the first form of entry into the body and can affect overall health in the rest of the body.
[1] McDonald et al. Eruption of the teeth: local, systemic, and congenital factors that influence the process.
[2] Memarpour et al. Signs and symptoms associated with primary tooth eruption: a clinical trial of nonpharmacological remedies.
[3]Â AAPD. Guideline on Infant Oral Health Care.